The Parish of Blessed Pope John Paul II in Eastwood is surely not taking time to make their Parish's presence has been very busy and active throughout the year...staging activities one after another lovingly dedicated to their patron saint.
One day I just noticed that condo's in Eastwood are all decorated with Banderitas, with "Happy Fiesta" written all over. I thought that Pope John Paul II's feast is in April since he died in that month, turns out it is in October, in October 22nd to be exact (but the Parish is celebrating his Fiesta on October 21st, which is a Sunday). I am not sure if this is the first fiesta celebration of the parish, but even so, the faithful made sure that this is one joyous event for all (plus all the food and lechon).

Hearing mass officiated by the Bishop of Cubao, Bishop Honesto Ongtioco

Tradition meets Eastwood City.

Final Blessings

"Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence."

The procession exiting the Parish

A community in celebration. "As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live."

The Bishop and the parish priest (very visible) taking part in the night's festivities from start to finish...I hope all parish priests are like that.

Procession Ends, the Parish of Pope John Paul II used to be known as the Holy Family Chapel. "To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others."

Pope John Paul, we love you!
See Part 2.
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