View at Night. Looks as lovely and serene as during the day.

First things first. Sagala's and devotees participating in Holy Eucharist before the Grand pageantry and procession which is the Santacruzan.

Images on their carroza, ready for the procession. San Jose.

There is more than 1 marian image in attendance. Left, Our Lady of Antipolo. Right, can be an image of Our Lady of Victory (or Lepanto) or Mary Help of Christians (although usually this image holds a scepter in her left hand).

Our Lady of Antipolo or as she is officially known as Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage
Replica of Our Lady of La Naval
The Festejada image is the replica image of Our Lady of La Naval (privately owned). This image was enthroned in the Parish altar all throughout the month of May (for the "alay-alay" or daily floral offerings to Mary).

Our Lady of La Naval in her carroza triunfal...the carroza and the image is not 100% identical to the Original in Sto. Domingo but it surely makes you look at it twice...a lot of similarities...I admire the owner who put a lot of effort and money to ensure this happens...from this angle, you would assume that this was taken in Sto. Domingo during the October festivities.

Study of Our Lady of La Naval, replica image.

Study of Our Lady of La Naval, replica image.

Study of Our Lady of La Naval, replica image. I am amazed to find out that metal "bomba's" are supporting the image's mantle (normally it is made of cardboard or kawayan, a friend made one for me out of rubber, this is my first to see a bomba made from this material, I am not sure though it is this iron or steel...looks more like iron). The image I supposes is more heavier than normal.

Even the backside is La Naval, La Naval...

Amazing attention to detail (image)...although the carroza does not follow the boat shaped carroza of Sto. Domingo

La Naval, front side

View from the right (side of the image)

Testing the fidelity to the iconography of La Naval...passed!
The Procession exits the Parish

San Jose falling in line

San Jose exiting the Parish

San Jose exiting the Parish

What surprised me is the mix of young and the not so young in the line-up of Sagala's...although I heard that this is being practiced, this is my first time to actually witness one. Truly this Santacruzan is now a model/guide for me.

The Sagalas.

The Sagalas.

The Sagalas. Our Lady of Antipolo exits the parish.

The Sagalas.

The Sagalas. Our Lady of Victory exits the Parish.

The plum roles in the Santacruzan: Reyna Elena and Reyna Emperatriz...and the true Queen, Mary, Lady of La Naval exits the Parish.
Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia,
el Señor es contigo.
Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres,
y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.
Santa María, Madre de Dios,
ruega por nosotros pecadores,
ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.

Breath taking, from afar I see the famous silhouette of La Naval...to a devotee like me this is a wonder to behold.
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